从实验室到休息室, 阳光明媚的露台到摄影暗室, 从表演空间到创客空间, every room on every floor of our Schoolhouse is intentionally designed to kindle the flames of imagination and lifelong learning in our students.
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- 主要的教室
- 特殊的教室
- 社区空间
皇冠体育app标志性的蓝色大门是进入我们世界的大门. 在他们上学的第一天,Mr. Burke warmly greets each kindergartner with a smile and handshake; then, 一位学长拉着她的手欢迎她进去. 这个特殊的传统说明了我们的社区是如何支持的, 挑战, 从学生的第一天到最后一天都互相庆祝. 当时刻到来,最后一次离开蓝色的门, every graduating senior truly knows the meaning of belonging within the Nightingale community.
每天早上, 学生们从充满歌声的大厅走到前台开始他们的一天, 渴望别人叫他们的名字(还经常问他们那天上学的行程), 他们最期待的是什么, 或者他们的宠物和兄弟姐妹过得怎么样). 当每天最后的钟声响起, 学生们再次涌进大厅的大门, 拥抱和挥手,然后出门继续他们的一天. Our intentionally designed single entry/exit point lets students and their parents and guardians, 相信他们是安全的.
Nightingale’s 较低的学校 homerooms are located entirely on the fourth floor to encourage student interactivity, 老师合作, 以及教师监督. 连接的教室强调了我们对学校团结的承诺, 可移动的墙壁可以适应所有级别的编程,就像小组工作一样容易. 正是在这些教室里,新的兴趣才会蓬勃发展, 教师将合作, 学生们将开始认识他们年级的每一个女孩, 开创了许多人一生的友谊.
在皇冠app安卓下载安装, we believe that 中学 is not just a transition between the lower and upper grades, 而是一个重要的目的地. That is why the sixth floor is specifically designed to embrace the social-emotional learning that occurs in these integral years. 教室是用空间分隔物建造的,每节课都可以重新配置, 而可移动的家具确保每个学生都能被看到和听到. 完成中学学业是中心, 一个创新的公共空间,供学生和教师提问, 分享想法, 互相激励.
皇冠体育app高中庆祝我们的学生越来越独立, 时刻提醒他们,自己才是教育的驱动者. A university-caliber amphitheater-style classroom designed for public speaking invites lively discussion and advocating for oneself, 而哈克尼斯式的研讨室则培养了一种刺激的氛围, 开放的学习环境. The design of the 上学校 rooms allows each student to find her unique voice and have it be heard, 在蓝色的门里面和外面.
Nightingale’s labs are designed specifically for group experimentation—an essential aspect of scientific discovery and a particularly powerful learning method for young women. 学生们聚集在一个设计好的柜台周围,这样每个人都可以观看实验, 最好是让学生们聚集在一起进行化学反应或复杂的解剖, 凳子是建在轮子上的,以鼓励合作. 创客空间充满了好奇的人想要的每一种工具, 从微控制器到3D打印机. 艺术就在这里, 科学, 技术真正成为一门学科,远远超过其各部分的总和.
Our performance arts spaces are designed to give students of all ages and levels an ideal environment to explore space, 声音, 和自我表达. 舞蹈工作室以硬木地板为特色,既安全又舒适, and mirrored walls help students perfect their form and better integrate their surroundings. 为音乐家, dedicated practice rooms and instrument storage give every student space best suited to her ability. 有些房间甚至有固定的座位, 创造一个类似舞台的氛围,让艺术家在表演前练习他们的技艺.
Nightingale’s visual arts rooms are the perfect place for young minds to explore the reaches of their creativity. Disciplines ranging from painting and photography to woodworking and animation are all taught by working artists in professional-level facilities. 窗户朝北,经常设有阳台和天窗, 我们的工作室在一天中的任何时候都充满了充足的自然光. 扩建后的陶瓷工作室为探索这种媒介提供了充足的空间, 低年级的工作室是激发年轻人思想的理想场所.
Nightingale’s gymnasium is a space where students can exercise, play, and act their age. Located within the Schoolhouse, the regulation-sized gym transforms with each class and event. 这个空间可以分开,以便一次容纳一个以上的班级, 篮筐可以为不同的年龄组升高或降低, and bleachers can be pulled out of the walls to accommodate seating for rowdy home games, 动员大会, 超大的组件. 有一个理疗室,学生可以从教练那里接受治疗.
《皇冠体育app》将年轻读者的文学幻想带到了生活中. Its whimsical architectural details include a central grove of trees and a cozy nook complete with a circular window, 为学生创造一个永远爱上书本的完美空间. The Middle/上学校 图书馆 is flooded with light from the school’s original arched windows and features thousands of physical and electronic volumes to explore. Specially designed rooms for independent study and group collaboration make this space a vital part of our educational experience.
The daily hum of lunchtime conversation and laughter in the student center is one of the most recognizable signs of Nightingale’s communal spirit. 较低的学校 students eat family-style in small groups so that everyone gets a chance to know each other more, and these younger students are encouraged to expand their palettes by trying a little bit of each of the day’s many lunch options. Tables-for-two are filled with older students and 教ers who have lively discussions over lunch, 更大的菱形桌子的设计让每个人都有归属感.
皇冠体育app礼堂接待着兴奋的学生观众, 教师, and parents for everything from assemblies and lectures to large-scale theatrical productions complete with professional lighting and set design. 就像学校里的很多人一样, 空间在设计上是灵活的, as seats fold to the back of the room to create an additional open area for more interactive school-wide activities. The auditorium is also home to some of the cherished memories in a Nightingale student’s career, 包括召开, 四班雏菊盛典, 八班升学典礼, 还有更多.
设计简单,但潜力无限, The 黑盒子剧院 gives students of all ages a safe and open space to push their creativity to new levels. The theater is versatile enough to accommodate everything from kindergarten sing-alongs to improv dance classes and Nightingale Parents Association events. 对于那些特别有抱负的学生来说,这也是一个完美的写作场所, 直接, 上演他们自己的作品, frequently breaking the boundaries of what could be performed in a more traditional auditorium.
是否安静地学习, 开始一个新项目, 或者只是玩个拼图游戏,吃点巧克力放松一下, 公共场所是皇冠体育app高中生活的重要组成部分. The glass-enclosed space reflects the transparency and communal nature of the school itself, and its location next to the student life and deans’ offices lets 教师 help students plan projects and events in a casual setting. Commons也通往露台, 学生们聚在一起补充维生素D, 与朋友聚会, 上课前吃早餐.